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sand strip on which sand mine mill stands.
July 5th During the night strong Eastern Breeze,  weather changing. Skies threatening. Left about 6 A.M. Tried to use forestay sail but shroud tore off the chain plate [[overwritten]] and [[/overwritten]] of cabin, so had to get along without sail. Made average of 9 1/3 knots. Spent about one hour at Old Ferry Point, lowering the mast and adjusting throttle. Arrived at morning.  Spuyten Duivel about 12:00 M. [[red underline]] Lewis [[/red underline]] went ahead to fetch motor car. When he returned he omitted to carry out my orders and I observed him, [[strikethrough]] without [[/strikethrough]] from the car banging the [[red underline]] mahogony [[/red underline]] railing of the Ion and the painter of his dinghy in a rage. Gave him a strong talking [[red underline]] to. He [[/red underline]] has tried my patience to the very limit during these last two
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years. Willing enough to work but slovenly, careless, forgetful, unskilled [[red underline]] and has [[/red underline]] to be watched like a child all the time in whatever he does. After two years urging and ordering I still catch him leaving the painter of his dinghys untied and I never feel sure that he has carried out my orders entirely as told. If it were not for the fact that he is very honest and has been in my service for such a long time I certainly would long ago have gotten a more reliable dependable man  
Since I have him in my employ, my boat is a constant [[red underline]] worry instead [[/red underline]] of a pleasure.  He is the only man I ever employed who [[red underline]] does not carry out my orders [[/red underline]] and this by sheer drowssy forgetfulness or lack of forethought,  altho' he means well