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Coming home I found Cornelia and her two children.  [[red underline]] Little Cornelia [[/red underline]] looks thin and sickly and nagging and crying, very different from the cheerful little girl she was when I saw her in Golden. The little boy ^[[Brooksie]] George looks astonishingly like that photograph made of me when I was a boy of six or seven. He looks unusually serious for his age, although he has a sweet smile for anybody who looks at him and he [[red underline]] gives little [[/red underline]] trouble.  
His mother looks very well. Nina's baby is the same but plump blueeyed, flaxen haired little cherub.  What a difference between the [[red underline]] pensive looks of little ^[[Brooksie]] and the lusty expression of little Celine. In looking at [[red underline]] Georgie [[/red underline]] it seems as if I saw myself when I was his age.
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July 6. At home all day arranging corespondence etc. Very hot.  
July 7. Director's meeting of [[red underline]] G. B. Co [[/red underline]] Very warm weather. Business [[red underline]] not so very bad [[/red underline]] as previous months.  
Last month shows a betterment altho' sales are still only about 1/3 of the monthly averages of last year. 
Met [[red underline]] Baskerville [[/red underline]] and De Forest Baldwin at Century Club.  Promised Baskerville to prepare an address for September meeting of American Chemical Society.  Evening supper at University Club. Arthur Scribner told me about his recent trip Japan, China and Corea. He and Oudin were interesting to hear about their opinions about Japanese and Chinese conditions. Oudin is unspokingly [[red underline]]anti-Japanese. [[/red underline]]
July 8. Another very hot day at home.
July 9. Went to work all day on Ion