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Hot and rainy
July 10. (Sunday) At home all day
July 11. Celine, Cornelia and Nina went with me on the Ion for a water cruise. A trained nurse has been engaged to take care of the children during our absence. We left Spuyten Duivil at about 2 P.M. Easterly wind warm damp cloudy weather. Anchored before Manhasset Yacht Club about 4:30 P.M. Swimming sailing etc. a jolly happy crowd.
July 12. Took in 130 gals. gasoline then sailed Eastward. Sunny weather but strong Eastern wind. [[strikethrough]] Dropt anchor in Oyster Bay then went [[/strikethrough]] First swim and clam digging [[strikethrough]] [[in?]] [[/strikethrough]] the bar of Manhasset then Eastward. Dropt anchor in [[red underline]] Oyster Bay, [[/red underline]]Then went sailing around the bay in sail dinghy Nina and Cornelia badly sunburnt, Celine less. All
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went to bed with aching skins. 
Nina and Cornelia slept on army cots on afterdeck. [[underlined in red]] Anchored Oyster Bay [[/underlined in red]] 
July 14. Still Easterly wind and cloudy. Cornelia and Nina rather handicapped on account of sunburnt skin, neck, shoulders and legs. Celine is about as badly of, but as usually [[red underline]] takes it cheerfully [[/red underline]] and does not complain. 
Anchored in Lloyd's [[strikethrough]] anchor [[/strikethrough]] Harbor. The ladies built a fire ashore to prepare their lunch and went in the lovely [[strikethrough]] wood [[/strikethrough]] woods while I tried my hand at sailing the dinghy against wind and tide. Later on [[strikethrough]] baked [[/strikethrough]] gathered oysters clams and mussels and baked them in the hot ashes of their fire. [[underlined in red]] Simplest [[/underlined in red]] way to prepare [[strikethrough]] oys [[/strikethrough]] shellfish mussels and soft shell clams very abundant here.