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Went off to [[underlined in red]] Northport Bay [[/underlined in red]] and went all around anchored near sand bar, but as Eastern is increasing to a gale concluded to anchor before Northport Harbor. Renewed exposure to the sun has made sunburns worse. Rain towards evening.  
July [[overwritten]] 14 [[/overwritten]] 15. 
[[red underline]] Cornelia [[/red underline]] and Nina more disabled than before. Rain and cloudy and low pressure and generally disheartening. So all went ashore and returned home. Then heavy showers and squalls all day. Dreary weather. Towards evening clearing. Went to bed at [[strikethrough]] sevin [[/strikethrough]] seven.
July [[overwritten]] 15 [[/overwritten]] 16. Bright cool weather. Light northerly wind. Went sailing in dinghy all around the Bay.
July [[overwritten]] 16 [[/overwritten]] 17 (Sunday) A schooner rigged [[strikethrough]] le [[/strikethrough]] mutton leg sailed
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yacht called. Squall built by Jacobs. City Island came in yesterday. She has two braced pole masts and [[strikethrough]] her [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a]]staysail and no jib nor bowsprit, a well built small craft. See Lloyds yacht register. 
Afterwards went aboard a sailing fishing schooner which is being converted into a yacht. Capt. Moffet, owner. After lunch left our anchorage and tried sailing without power, same trouble of rudder being insufficiently long. Main trouble however is that sail area aft is too large and the boat has too much weather helm. Will need a longer rudder and more surface in staysail. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] Came back for anchor in Northport.