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60 [[underline]] Eyes [[/underline]] are [[underline]] large [[/underline]] and friendly and in general people [[underline]] are smiling [[/underline]] and [[underline]] friendly. [[/underline]] Maybe their religion - old Pali-Hindoo Budhistic ^[[Budistic]] has something to do with this. Less cruelty and aggressiveness than those [[underline]] Arabs [[/underline]] or [[underline]] Mohommedans [[/underline]] who [[underline]] irritate [[/underline]] me and [[underline]] for whom I have little use. [[/underline]] There are quite a number of [[underline]] Tamils [[/underline]] here. They have a very [[underline]] different facial expression, [[/underline]] are much darker in complexion and their [[strikethrough]] flowing [[/strikethrough]] black hair flowing over [[underline]] their bare shoulders gives them an added wild look. [[/underline]] The owner of the Garage from which I got my car is a [[underline]] Tamil [[/underline]] My two drivers claim to [[end page]] [[start page]] 61 be [[underline]] Cingalese [[/underline]] but I think they are Tamils with their [[underline]] hair cut. [[/underline]] Very dark complexion, bare footed, bareheaded and a sarong above which a white coat. The [[underline]] Sarongs here are no longer Batik, but cotton [[/underline]] of a [[underline]] Scotch Plaid design. Colombo's streets [[/underline]] are [[underline]] clean, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] houses not so spotless white as in Weltevreden. [[/underline]] Color a somewhat stained yellowish Many little [[strikethrough]] have carts [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] buffalo carts. [[/underline]] Many autos [[strikethrough]] excel [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] almost exclusively all Americans ^[[make]] Ford, Dodge, Chevrolet [[/underline]] etc predominating. Many [[underline]] motor busses [[/underline]] adapted on [[underline]] Ford [[/underline]] Chassis all [[underline]] crowded with Natives. Streets too narrow [[/underline]] for all this traffic Drove to [[underline]] Mount Lavinia [[/underline]] near the [[underline]] seashore. [[/underline]]. Surf bathing