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Read French's [[underlined]] slavery in S.C. [[/underlined]]
(J.S. Brisbone died July 26, 1916 Johns Island)
(see story of Mr. Sancho Singleton on record)

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[[start page]]

S.C. Sea Island Word List
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] gap (gæp) = Road leading to [[strikethrough]] house [[/strikethrough]] a house (Wadmalaw, Jas. Is.) [[strikethrough]](si ka)[[\strikethrough]] (not a highway)

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Seeking (sikn) = Trying to become [[strikethrough]] connected [[/strikethrough]] converted to Christianity (Jas. Is.)

[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] good old (gudoul) = very old 
i gudoul = he is (Wadmalaw, [[scribble]] very old

[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] Trimming[[strikethrough]]s[[\strikethrough]] (Trɪmɪn[[strikethrough]]z[[/strikethrough]]) = [[strikethrough]]full[[/strikethrough]] surname.
(Jas. Is. Johns Is.)

[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] Bændzu tebl = table upon which slaves were sold.
Prob. from ^[[F]] [[underlined]] vendue 
[[/underlined]] (Jas. Is.

[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] Shank mare (Sænk mi[[strikethrough]][[[?]][[strikethrough]]ə)
You use this when you walk instead of ride - [[insertion]]use the[[/insertion]] legs.

[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] Tif pət ^[[(path)]] = steal out without permission

[[circled]] 8 [[/circled]] pel[[superscript]]t dəwe = carouse, have a good time.

Transcription Notes:
entry 5 insertion: F. = French