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172. Extreme point of Kinbane Hd. AN. AWS. 1[[overwritten]] 4 [[/overwritten]]5-5-13. [[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]] Agrio. agrestis Hyalinia alliaria | Common. " [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] crystallina | Rare. Helix pulchella | V. common. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] costata | Frequent. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] nemoralis | Dead. " [[Ditto for: Helix]] itala | A few. Coch. lubrica | Abundant, all greenish-white form. Pupa muscorum | One specimen. " [[Ditto for: Pupa]] cylindracea | In millions, mainly var. [[underlined]] anconostoma [[/underlined]]. Vertigo pygmaea | One specimen. [[line]] Ditto - ditto [[Ditto for: Extreme point of Kinbane Hd. AN. AWS.]] but on main head, but beyond castle. Helix rotundata Cl. bidentata Vertigo pygmaea [[wavy line]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 173. Fair Head & Murlough Bay A.W.S. 16-5-13. No additions to list, but the following Pisidium taken in lakes [[underlined]] Lough na cranog [[/underlined]] Pisidium [[strikethrough]] obtusale [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] nitidum [[/underlined]] " [[Ditto for: Pisidium]] [[strikethrough]] sp. [[/strikethrough]] [[circled]] 373 [[/circled]] Lough Dhee Pisidium [[strikethrough]] obtusale [[/strikethrough]]. [[circled]] 374 [[/circled]] missing. Lough Fad. ? any. [[circled]] 375 [[/circled]] missing [[wavy lines]]