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Donaghadee, Down.
A.W.S. 25-4-14.

[[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]] 

Limax arborum | On sea wall & breakwater behind station. An almost colourless form with pure white band down back, abundant at 4.30 AM, after rain. 
L. maximus | On station wall with above.

NB. | These were collected on the night when the Ulster Volunteer Force landed 55,000 rifles & ammunition at Lorne, Bangor & Donaghadee. A performance which Mr. Asquith declared was an "unprecedented outrage" & yet found himself unable to punish the perpetration.


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Section of Sandy Cliff at Millish just south of [[Presle?]] Meeting House, where old road is being washed away.
A.W.S. 26-4-14.

[[image - sketch showing profile of cliff and layers of soils]]
[[image labels]]
[[underlined]] Litt. obtusate. [[/underlined]] Common
[[underlined]] Patella vulgate. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Trochus cinerous. [[/underlined]] 
12" - 15" soild
[[underlined]] Helix aspersa [[/underlined]] at base [[arrow pointing right]]
2'.0" - 4'.0" blown sand showing various old land surfaces.
Few stones 
one flint.
Sand & stones.
[[/image labels]]