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Lough Avonmane, 500 feet alt, near Cloghane, SK. A.W.S. 27-9-14.

[[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]]

Arion ater
Limnaea pereger | Of the usual local lake form.
No sign of [[underlined]] Ancylus fluviatilis [[/underlined]]
I saw the following plants on cliffs above Lough Avonmane.
Polygala vulgaris
" [[Ditto for: Polygala]] grandiflora 
Selaginella selaginoides
Oxyria digyna
Saxifraga cernua
" [[Ditto for: Saxifraga]] umbrosa
Trichomanes radicans | At base of left hand waterfall under a large rock with Ash Tree growing above it. 3 plants.
Hymenophylum wilsoni
[[Lashian?]] aemula
Pinguicula grandiflora
Sedem Rhodiola
Hazel, Holly, Ash and Mt. Ash on the cliffs.

[[side note]]
Isoetes lacustris
Utricularia sp.
Lobelia dortmanna 
[[bracket encapsulating above 3 species]] in lake [[/bracket]]
[[side note]]

[[circled, side note]] I noted the absence of Alchemilla vulgaris
Rubus idaeus
" [[Ditto for: Rubus]] [[vaxalis?]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[Clogharea?]] Lough, below Conna Hill, SK. AWS. 23-9-14.

[[List of species on left, remarks about them to right of drawn line, designated here by | ]]

Limnea pereger
Pisidium sp. | 402

On the way down from Connor Pass to this lake are several 'bee-hive' huts in ruin.


Hill Villa Words, near Kileeammin, east of Cophane on road to Castlegregory. SK. A.W.S. 28-9-14.

Limax maximus
" [[Ditto for: Limax]] arborum
Agrio. agrestis
Arion ater | Pale steel blue specimen seen.
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] subfuscus | Rare.
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] intermedis | common.
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] circumscriptus | V. rare
Hyalinia alliaria
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] nitidula
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] pura