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July 21, 1938
In office all day.  Things very quiet.  I cleared my desk again so that only current business to keep up with.  Had lunch with Dr. Fisher at the Cosmos Club and in evening put in entire time[[?]] working on ms. of book.  Finished all but three chapters.

July 22, 1938.
Carried rest of book to the office & finished it up there at intervals.  Gave to McAtee to criticise.  Lunch with Carl Shoemaker.  Home in evening to finish "Country Gentleman" article & to finish draft for Carl of set up for Bureau.

July 23, 1938.
Still raining & the ground so mushy I can do nothing at home in yard.  Came to office with Leo.  This is the morning we are to sign the first project.  We signed the Utah project this morning to the grinding of motion picture cameras.  Al. is already building a picture of his first project.  At home in evening finishing the article for the Country Gentleman.

July 24, 1938.
At home all morning, read papers - cleaned house - wrote a bit, worked in yard.  Went to broadcasting station & talked over the mutual systems on Ducks.  Dialogue with Mort Palmer.  Mort took me down & took me home to dinner with him.  Had a swell meal & really enjoyed it immensely.  He brot me