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Sept 18,1938

Went with Neidrach & Bailey to Mile high Club where I shot [[underlined]] 3 stilt sandpipers [[\underlined]] the first I've collected for many years. Back to Leo's & then caught streamliner out of Denver at 4.45 for east.

Sept 19,1938

Off at Boone[[?]] 3.00AM. Met by Geo Tonkin and drove to Des Moines.  Slept a couple of hours.  To office.  Saw boys there and also saw Darling & Belterd[[?]] James & Gardens people.  Had a big time.  Spoke at meeting of Audubon Soc & Assoc Walton League and then had a viewing of Chas. Gelldrams[[?]] films at Tonkins.  Geo. very thoughtfully had Rush, Prof Stephens etc down to attend the meeting.

Sept 20, 1938.
Left Des Moines at 7.15AM on Rock Island rocket.  Had a nice ride into Chicago.  Met Wallace Kadderly on the B & O out of Chicago so the visit was nice & trip not so tedious.

Sept 21, 1938
Arr Washington at 8.25AM.  Clara met me at train & I went home.  Called office & found I wasn't needed particularly at the office so helped Clara June get organized & took her to 1.00PM train.  Came home & worked in yard all afternoon.  Had a terrible time with lawn mower but finally got lawn mowed after fashion & some of the grass out of the drive.