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Oct 13, 1938
Left Pittsfield 7.00AM & traveled to Saratoga Springs.  Looked over the fur farm & the developments there and had a good visit with Bassett.  He seems to be doing a good job.  Drove on & stopped to see Montezuma marshes & then went to East Aurora N.Y. for the night.

Oct 14, 1938
Drove to Ryinatiny[[?]] and head out on the refuge.  It is really a fine area.  Odette was a real caretaker.  Saw lots of Baldpate, blacks, ruddies & wood ducks.

Oct 15, 1938
Watched the opening of the season.  Saw five wood ducks killed and only five other ducks.  Went to the museum a really fine little place & attended the dedication exercises.  Spoke my piece & left with Carl arriving home at 2.00AM.

Oct 16, 1938.
Lazy day & didn't do much but work around the yard.

Oct 17, 1938.
Opening of AOU meeting.  I met with members group in evening and found out I'd been elected fellow in fellows meeting in PM.

Oct 18, 1938
In office & at meeting of AOU

Oct 19, 1938
In office & at    "     "   "