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Nov 22, 1938.
In office again all day clearing my desk as best I could & getting ready for the trip to New Jersey.

Nov 23, 1938.
In office all morning.  Clara picked me up at noon and we drove to Bernardsville arriving about 7.30.  Rather late because of rain, poor visibility & heavy traffic.

Nov 24, 1938.
Ate a huge dinner & then went with Guy to take Guy jr to Lawrenceville again.  Had a glorious time till evening when weather turned to sleet & then hail.

Nov 25, 1938.
Snowed last night & everyone was snowbound.  We were totally unprepared for it but did get out to go to N-Y with Guy Jr - cruchons on.  Saw Geo Stumpp[[?]] of S&W & returned in evening.

Nov 26, 1938
Shoveled snow awhile, but didn't do much good.  Guy got out a team[[?]] & broke it out by noon & we spent the afternoon at Guys.  All had dinner at Speers.

Nov 27, 1938.
More snow.  Horace put chains on the car but had a heck of a time with them.  We didn't get organized until one oclock and had one of the worst trips I've ever driven.  We took until 1.00AM Monday to get home due to icy roads.  Terrible strain.