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Nov 28, 1938 (Mon)
In office all day but rather dumb & stupid as a result of the long drive.  Our invalids are all O.K.  We went out to Greens Monday night to see them in order to keep Dorr from worrying too much over the delay.
Nov 29, 1938
In office again and stayed home in evening.  Tired out.
Nov 30, 1938
Out to visit the Leichhardts & find them coming along but still pretty badly bruised up.
Dec 1, 1938
In office again all day - out to see the Couches new house in the evening.  They are very comfortably fixed.
Dec 2, 1938.
At office all day - home in evening waxing floors, etc.
Dec 3, 1938
In office in A.M. at Home in P.M. waxing floors. To dinner with Days & a very enjoyable dance afterward
Dec 4, 1938.
At home all day waxed more floors & the combination of dancing and waxing has made me a little sore. Went down to the Chinese Lantern for dinner in evening & took all the kids
Dec 5, 1938
In office all day. Conference with the Sec etc. Also Roy Hendrechson and others waxed more floors