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Dec 6, 1938.
In office all day.  Conferences with Appleby, Secretary, Hendrickson etc.  Also with Jimmy Silver-Steen & others.  At home working on reports & correspondence.

Dec 7, 1938
In office all day except time spent with McNary in his office in the afternoon.

Dec 8, 1938
In office all day on many things.  Very busy day but nothing of great moment.  

[[insert on right hand side]]One of those days spent part of the day at Beltsville with Brosnan[[?]] but can't remember a thing[[?]].
Dec 9, 1938
In office all day and until late in evening cleared my desk completely.

Dec 10 - 1938
In office in morning, various conferences, at home in afternoon.  Couches over in the evening & played bridge.

Dec 11, 1938.
Worked around the house all morning, in afternoon went to Millers new house in Beverly Hills.  Difficult place to find but lovely little house after it is found.

Dec 12, 1938.
In office all day.  Tom Murray in and we had a discussion of his problems and work in the future.  Also went to Cosmos Club with him & had a fine visit with Dr Fisher, Feidler[[?]], Fred Marshall etc.

Dec 13, 1938.
In Secs office all day nearly at two different conferences.  Had a hard time getting anything done in the office later as the two took four hours.