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April 21, 1939.
In office all day. Had a call from Eisenhower which was somewhat cheering. Home in evening & spend a quiet evening reading report to budget.
April 22, 1939.
In office and on hill all morning discussing amendments to Byrnes Bill with various people.
April 23, 1939.
At home in morning. About noon took Clara & kids & went out to Beltsville. Had a good time for a while & then car stopped. had to take off gas line pump & carburetor & clean before getting it started again & got home late.
April 24, 1939.
In office all day. Many small thing nothing of major importance
[[strikethrough]] April 25, 1939. In office all da [[/strikethrough]]
 [[Mort Peline?]] stopped in the morning to tell us Marjory Shoemaker had died suddenly. We dressed got the kids ready for school & beat it for Carls appartment. Did what we could which wasn't much. Carl left in evening for Portland for burial
April 26, 1939
In office again all day with a million small things to take care of. A very tireing day.