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May 5, 1939.  This is incorrect insert page for the May bird census list.
In office all day & busied myself with a lot of things.

May 6, 1939
In office in morning.  Tired at night & worked a bit at home.  Rained all evening.

May 7, 1939
At home.  Worked in yard.  Mowing, planting etc.

May 8, 1939.
In office all day.  Rather a hectic day and home at night to visit with Carl.

May 9, 1939.
Left at 9.30AM with Carl and drove to Bristol Tenn.  On the way & saw that the Reorganization Order no2 included us in those transferred.  Saw Ding Cecil Dehatame[[?]] - Jed Kline etc.

May 10, 1939
Conferences all day with various people & took 8.00 Plane back to Washington arriving 10.10PM

May 11, 1939
Lv 9.00AM to Washington 10.45AM.  Talk to 250 at rotary dinner at the Dupont hotel.  Then with Eugene DuPont, Roley[[?]] Carpenter & Ted Doremuo[[?]] to Carpenters to see some of his movies and DuPonts.
Took 4.45 train back arriving at 6.15PM.

May 12, 1939
In office all day.  Conference of hours with Jed Kline, Leo Couch, Carl