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June 9, 1939 (cont)
and in much better shape than last year.  Lots of [[underline]] Canvasback, Redheads, Blue winged Teal, Shovellers, Mallards, Pintails & Gadwalls [[\underline]] about the nesting area.  Some broods of young [[underline]] pintails [[\underline]] out.
Then to Snyder Lake.  It is a fine little lake but lacks a lot of going over spillway.  Picnic ground plantings again were growing nicely.  Lots of ducks including many [[underline]] redheads & Canvasback. [[\underline]]  Brumbaugh Lake only a few miles north was nearly full to spillway.  Lots of [[underline]] Canvasback [[\underline]] & a goodly assortment of other ducks which made a fine show on such a small area.  
Rock Lake to the north was dry and had had no run off this year.  It will be one of the best easments[[sic]] when it is finished.
Willow Lake lower than when I saw it last but with lots of ducks available it was a fine sight to watch.  The new cabin, boathouse & garage are nicely finished but not elaborate.
From here we went over to Lower Souris on number 5 state highway and worked our way south to headquarters getting a birds eye view of the birds & refuge as we went.  It was indeed a thrilling sight to see so much water in the lower [[?]].   On one of the roads across the refuge the setting sun made a gorgeous show of a group of [[underline]] avocets [[\underline]] & old [[underline]] canvasback [[\underline]] drakes.  Saw several broods [[underline]] of young [[\underline]]

Transcription Notes:
Brumbaugh Lake is probably Brumba Lake in North Dakota nearby to Snyder Lake