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June 15, 1939
In Denver office all day.  Discussed Red Rock, Hart Mt, Turnbull Slough etc with Woodward.  Thibadan Lake & other projects with Rogers.  Talked a long time with [[?]] & Saunders as well as several others.

June 16, 1939
Left Denver 11.00AM drove with Laythe over Berthold[[sic]] Pass and on to Duchane[[sic]] Utah at 9.00PM.

June 17, 1939
Looked at Strawberry Lake refuge.  It had a fair population of ducks - and also some gulls & pelicans.  There is a  big flat at the west end which might be stablized by a cut off dam if not too expensive.  Between there and Salt Lake City we ran into a regular blizzard which made slow going.  However we made it safely and spent a couple of hours in the Salt Lake office.  Zimmerman out but Victor Johnson was there.  Out to Eloise's mother's for dinner & then in to Wells Nevada.

June 18, 1939.
Cold & clear with new snow all over the hills.  Herb Dill says it snowed six inches on the Rubies last night.  Down to Ruby Lake refuges.  The development is just starting and we have a big job to do here.  The new house is progressing and

Transcription Notes:
Berthold Pass is probably Berthoud Pass in Colorado Duchane is probably Duchesne, Utah