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July 10, 1939
Worked all day in office.  Saw Berlew & Demeray etc. of Park Service, and then many things at office. Up to Cosmos Club in evening with Kadderly.  [[Dinner?]] with Kadderly, Zahnyer, [[Welmore?]], Killip & Clausen.  Home at 9.30 and read a while before going to bed.  Cooler tonight and I hope I sleep better.

July 11, 1939.
Up before Defficiency Committee today and had a hectic time as I didn't know any of them.  Saw Dr Shillinger this morning and had a talk with him.  Home with [[our?]] crowd for dinner & a good visit.

July 12, 1939
In office.  Met budget bureau on the farmers bulletin thing.  Also [[?]]. Out to Dorr Greens for dinner with he & hazel.  Bowled a little & called at Bill Riters

July 13, 1939.
In office all day on many hundred little things. Danced at [[Locos?]] with a small bunch. It wasn't so hot because the orchestra was lousy. Had Joe Keyes, his wife - Hazel & Dorr over with me to dinner in the Cosmos Club.

July 14, 1939
In office all day. Had a hectic time.  Dave Alyward came in. Had lunch with John Redington & met Palmer. Dinner with Alyward & Mrs [[?]]