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Aug 1, 1939
Same as above. Carl returned to town today but haven't seen him yet.
Aug 2, 1939
In office all day. Carl and I will leave Friday morning.
Aug 3, 1939
Finished clearing desk. Cleared up with various people and Carl came after me at 800 PM. Fixed house to leave and after Carl came we drove to Harrisburg Pa rather that drive too hard next day.
Aug 4, 1939.
Drove all day and arrived at Blue Sea Gate at 900 PM. Tired but glad to get there.
Aug 5 - to Sept 1 - inclusive. I stayed in the island thruout our period. Only left it twice once to go the missionies for supplies and on Aug 31 to go to Marioncaki and to see the cedar furniture at the Cedar Lake Lodge. Did little fishing. Worked every day on the new house Carl stayed ten days and worked also. We finished house and installation of pump on Aug 30 so we could move in. Left the ice house, floats piers and shutters for Barnes to do. Also window screens Ordered a boat, more chairs and furniture. Lost 10 pounds and feel fine.
Left at noon Friday Sept 1 and arrived at Washington Sat Sept 3 at 700 PM.