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Sept 9, 1939
Patuxant for Sat afternoon's picnic.
Sept 10, 1939
At home all day. To air port and leave for Portland at 548 PM.
Sept 11, 1939
Arr. Portland 1000 AM. Right to office and confer all day with people there. See Ben [[Sampson?]]. Out with Fugate to dinner.
Sept 12, 1939.
In office conferring with many people. Leave with Leo about 200 AM. Arr in Olympia about 800 PM.
Sept 13, 1939
Leave at 100 PM to Seattle to confer with McCauley & others. Got very sick and had to go to bed
Sept 14, 1939.
Drive to Colville with McCauley & out over Little Pond [[?]] with John Swartz.
Sept 15, 1939
Out over refuge with Leo and John Swartz looking over projects. It is potentially a fine game area. Good herd of white tailed deer of which we saw several. Lots of [[underline]]Ruffed Grouse[[/underline]]. I found one dead on road & skinned it for Washington office. Its crop was packed with dandelion leaves and flower buds. Potentially valuable for fishers, marten, franklins grouse, blue grouse. Lots of Beaver noise present. It seems evident that we have an opportunity here and also a problem