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1 May 12 Arrived Iowa City about 10 A.M. Talked till noon. After lunch Bill Furnish took us to two collecting places near Iowa City. 329- 661- Palo Qy. on Dry Creek, NW 1/4 31-84N-8W, 1/2 mile W and 1/4 mile S of bridge over creek, Linn County, Iowa. This is locality for Strobilocystites which occurs 2-4 feet below the Coralville which is exposed in the middle of the quarry. Our collection came from about 3' below the Coralville. 329a 662- Quarry at bend of road, on Rapid R. SE 1/2 SE 1/4 30-80N-5W, 2 miles NE of Iowa City, Newport Tp., Johnson Co., Iowa. Same as previous. Collecting in Pentamerella zone of Rapid member. Corals forming on massive ledge some 8-10' below the Coralville. [[Brachio?]] in shaly beds 4 or 5' below the Coralville. 329b 663- River Products Quarry - about upper 20' of Rapid overlain by Coralville. Collection in Pentamerella beds. The shaly part in lower 1/2 of Rapid. NW 1/4 33; Penn Tp. 80N-6W 329c 663a- Waterlooensis- same quarry