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48 camera with me on top of Yangasa' Levu! It was one of the most beautiful sights I have seen in the south seas - real barrier & atolls lying almost at my feet in a blue sea! Am giving the captain a 5/0 bonus for the sporty sail we had last night & am getting the little daughter a silk sulu. Let there be no misunderstanding about the Captain's daughter! In spite of her womanly figure she is only eleven years old! I find this hard to believe but her pappy swears it is true! The Captain wanted a family picture so I consented & he got the clan together - all in their best and Sunday! I finally got them sufficiently crowded together to get them all in the finder of my camera but in spite of [[end page]] [[start page]] 49 all pleading they just stared woodenly at the machine. The Fijians are [[underline]] not [[/underline]] good actors, as you know! Now for a short session with some more of Bob's rotten (but most welcome!) books. Ta-ta! -- Harry Waingori Oneata, July 29th Dear Ed - Another island! Clear & bright with a brisk wind this morning. Willy & I actually hoisted the sail 3 minutes before the time originally set by the Captain. [[left margin, insertion]] [[arrow]] thats a record for today is [[underline]] Sunday & [[/underline]] the Captain's family is in [[underline]] Mothe [[/underline]]! [[/insertion]] There were many "Isa-isa"s at the parting - babies & young girls to be kissed (I did [[underline]] not [[/underline]] !) - much smoking of my(!) tobacco & much waving of hands on the beach. I sort of hated to leave but