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Thursday (before Easter), 17th April, 1924.
[[underlined]] Andrena albicans [[/underlined]] 4 [[2 male symbols]] seen on Dandelions in field opposite waterworks gate at Bohernabreena, DU.
[[underlined]] Bombus terrestris [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] searching at same place.
[[underlined]] Andrena clarkella [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] faded a little but not worn, entering burrows in sand at top of "coomb" opposite Brady's, where [[underlined]] N. leucophthalma [[/underlined]] taken on 5th April. Another [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] clarkella [[/underlined]], very fresh, sunning itself on stone in sheltered corner nearer pine plantation to S.E.
[[underlined]] Bombus lucorum [[/underlined]] seen at Willow & Dandelion & [[underlined]] B. terrestris [[/underlined]], [[2 female symbols]] seen searching.
No others been seen, but numerous cocoons of fossor dug out of sand at top of "coomb", amongst which I found remains of 2  (? [[2 female symbols]]) Crubro sp.! ? (v. [[underlined]] maculatus [[/underlined]]) : later : almost certainly [[underlined]] iv-maculatus [[/underlined]]!
Late afternoon - 2-30 till 3.0 p.m. A few short bursts of sun, after fine mild morning, rather windy & threatening, little flying!
SWALLOWS! Several seen flying over Doddes near Mrs Doyle's at 2-30 p.m. No Willow Wrens heard during the afternoon? And no sand martins seen in their usual pace at Old Barn. 

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Friday (Good Friday) 18th April, 1924. 

Sunny early morning : 11-30 till 1.0 :  and 3.0 till 4.0.
Mild, very stormy.

[[underlined]] Gleneallen [[/underlined]] 1 mile above Enniskerny, [[underlined]] WI. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Andrena gwynana [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] on Dandelion in lane.

[[underlined]] Halictus freygessneri [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] 
[[underlined]] Andrena clarkella [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] many
[[underlined]] Nomada leucophthalma [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] 

[[side note applying to above]]
In small sandy bed at top of only slip on South side of river, opposite where path comes down from Killaeger House. 
[[/side note]]

NB The [[underlined]] Andrena clarkella [[underlined]] appeared to be gathering pollen only from the Gorse, though Willows were in flower all about. 
The [[underlined]] Nomadas [[/underlined]] were seen to enter the burrows & no [[underlined]] A. spicata [[/underlined]] were seen during the day! Watched 11-30 till 12-30!
[[underlined]] Helictus rubicundus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] Sunning itself : on N. slip.
[[underlined]] Andrena nigroaenea [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] on Dandelion on N. side of glen.
[[underlined]] A. minutula [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] both on Dandelions " " [[Dittos for: N. side of glen.]]
1 ?? Brood.
[[underlined]] A. clarkella [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] sunning itself on stone on ditch up stream a little from ruined house & opposite side of stream (i.e. S. side)
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] [[?]] [[?]] Leptothorox accevorum [[/underlined]]  fide H.D. About 6 or 8 specimens of this ant taken [[insertion]] or seen (all reddish brown : not bicoloured!) [[/insertion]] on great fallen [[strikethrough]] pine [[/strikethrough]] Ash tree, which was riddled with holes : in this also I took a specimen of the beetle [[underlined]] Si[[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]]nodendron [[Sinodendron]] cylindricus [[/underlined]] 
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]