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Friday. 11/7/24 cont. Afternoon: warm dull till 430 then very hot sun. 
Boulder-clay bank, Oak Tree by river & willow trees & sycamore trees by railings E. of railway near [[strikethrough]] Glenville [[/strikethorugh]] Moy House, 1 mile S. of Lahinch.
[[underlined]] Salium [[/underlined]] sp? [[male symbol]] seen. (Probably [[underlined]] S. exaltatus. [[/underlined]]) 
[[underlined]] Crabro leacostomus [[/underlined]] 2 [[2 female symbols]] one entering burrow on bank; one on Sycamore tree on ry.
" [[Ditto for: Crabro]] [[underlined]] dimidiatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] [[2 female symbol]] very abundant. nesting in bank!
" [[Ditto for: Crabro]] [[underlined]] varius [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] very common: nearby in bank & running over everything. 
[[underlined]] Vespa rufa [[/underlined]] [[2 virgin female symbols]] very common [[?]] Oak tree. 
[[underlined]] Odynerum [[/underlined]] sp? [[male symbol]] seen on bramble (Probably O. sinuatus)
[[underlined]] Halictus [[strikethrough]] [[luteventis?]] [[/strikethrough]] villersulus [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] RCLP 2 [[2 female symbols]] nesting at foot of bank.
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] freygessneri [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] " " [[Ditto for: nesting at foodt of bank.]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] leucopus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] " " [[Ditto for: nesting at foot of bank.]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] rubricundus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] " " [[Ditto for: nesting at foot of bank.]]
[[underlined]] nomada hillana [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] sunning on stone.
" [[Ditto for: Nomada]] nuficornis 1 [[female symbol]] Very small. small.
[[underlined]] Tenthedinidae. "T. balteata [[/underlined]]" R.C.L.P. [[underlined]] "T. atra, v. dispar" [[/underlined]] R.C.L.P.
[[underlined]] "Athalia lineolata" [[/underlined]] R.C.L.P. [[underlined]] "Selandria serra" [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] R.C.L.P.

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Saturday 12th July 1924.
Morning dullish & very windy: Liscannon & court w. of same: nothing doing.
Afternoon to railway near Rinneen, 4 miles S. of Lahinch, where likely cutting along hillside but too windy & nothing seen. Thus back to bank near stream & railway, near [[strikethrough]] Glenville [[/strikethrough]] Moy House as yesterday afternoon.
Considerable hot sun, but rather windy.