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Wednesday 3rd Sept. (Labelled 4th Sept.!) 1924.
Afternoon of a beautiful day but sun often obscured by mist on hills!
River-bank below the Copse Wood in Glencree Co. Wicklow
[[underlined]] Pompilus gibbus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Salius exaltatus [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Crabro varius [[/underlined]] common.
" [[Ditto for: Crabro]] [[underlined]] dimidiatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]] & 1 [[female symbol]].
" [[Ditto for: Crabro]] [[underlined]] IV- maculatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Mellinus arvensis [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] seen.
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Sphecodes affinis [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbols]] [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Prosopis confusa [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. several [[2 female symbols]] on [[underlined]] Jasione montana [[/underlined]]
[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Colletes glutinaus [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]] seen. Old worn [[2 female symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] calceatus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] seen.
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] albipes [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] seen.
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] freygessneri [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbol]] seen.
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] leucopus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]].
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] tumulorum [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] seen.
[[underlined]] Andrena fuscipes [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]] very fresh.
" [[Ditto for: Andrena]] [[underlined]] coitara [[/underlined]] [[2 female symbols]]
[[underlined]] Nomada rufipes [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] & 2 [[2 female symbols]] with [[underlined]] A. fuscipes [[/underlined]]
" [[Ditto for: Nomada]] [[underined]] ruficornis [[/underlined]] 1 large [[female symbol]] rather worn.
" [[Ditto for: Sphecodes]] [[underlined]] lyalinatus [[/underlined]] 1 [[female symbol]] on [[underlined]] Jasione montana [[/underlined]]. [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


8 spp. Ichneumonidae !  

[[line across page]]
Sunday 7th Sept. Rain all day!

[[line across page]]
Wednesday 10th Sept. A fine day with sun until 1 p.m. but strong keen wind. Devil's Glen, upper end.
[[underlined]] Formica rufa. [[/underlined]] The former site of nest (on brink of fall!) & surroundings all burned during season & no trace of this species seen!
[[underlined]] Agenia variegata [[/underlined]] [[female symbol]] on roadside at zigzag.
[[underlined]] Prosopis confusa [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] [[strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] [[/strikethrough]] on [[underlined]] Jasione montana [[/underlined]]
" [[Ditto for: Prosopis]] [[underlined]] hyalinata [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]] R.C.L.P. 2 [[2 female symbol]]
[[underlined]] Halictus rubicundus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbols]].
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] albipes [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] calceatus [[2 male symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] freygessneri [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] leucopus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbol]] & [[2 female symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] tumulorum [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 female symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] tumulorum [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] & [[2 male symbols]]
" [[Ditto for: Halictus]] [[underlined]] punctatissimus [[/underlined]] [[2 male symbols]] One with darkish tarsi.

Transcription Notes:
changed "corpse wood" to "copse wood" on line 3, as I do not see an 'R' in the word on the page.