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Jan 19th
Walked out & shot a hawk which is the young of Buteo Swains. as B.lineatus.
[[left margin]] Buteo [[\left margin]]
It was eating a squirrel & at first I thought it was an owl from its flight.  Its tail is longer than any in [[Cassin & Lya.?]]
Read two letters & 3 books from Baird - one Townsend's [[Man.?]] in which he notes about 190 sp. of birds found in Oregon in 26 mo's. but of course not all collected.  Of these I have seen the greater part.
The weather today is calm but with a light southerly breeze.  The Brant reported to me in the Bay had a light ring round its neck.
[[left margin]] Berincla - [[\left margin]]

"  [[ditto for January]] 23rd
The weather since 19th has been so strong that I could not go anywhere.  Wind continues Southwest.  Today it is cloudy but does not rain tho' the wind blows violently from SE.  Crossed over the Sandy Hook in a skiff with Mr Espy.  Noticed Brant & sea ducks on the way*

" [[ditto for January]] 24th  D
Today is calm but cloudy, & the sky looks like breaking away.  Walked out on the Point - but shot nothing, the Brant being too wild.  
[[left margin]] Cape Birds [[\left margin]]
Noticed meadowlarks, Archi Sagop - Circus [[Fluds.?]] Authi - & a small hawk probably A. fuscus.  These with + bills Colaptes R.T. Hawks, Pazi, Reguli, &c are the principal winter residents here.
*Today a Grebe was bro't me found dead many of them having been killed during the storm.  [[VeInd Nv?]] 122 -

[[left margin]] N.B. [[\left margin]]  Moon changed to 1st qr. 24th 5 P.M.

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Cape Shaolwater

Jan 27th
Have remained on the Point since 23 - and hunted thoroughly every day but without getting anything new.
Today walked over to the Cape and round a circuit of about 12 miles.  Saw a R. Virgin.  & a A. Cooperi?  No birds are now to be seen along the coast.  
The Eagles & Buzzards are now changing the adult plumage & the latter are seen of [[mosions whose?]], with white head & tail, mottled as dark brown.
The weather has been growing warmer daily with a S.E. wind -
[[left margin]] Reptila appear [[\left margin]]
Saw today many frogs & [[But. concin?]] all active - & also a [[Linax?]]  In the evening the frogs are piping their pleasant serenade & everything seems like spring.  The Evergreen Huckleberry is blossoming (though not fully till May) and the buds of almost all trees are bursting.
Yesterday four men arrived from the Chehalis having been a week coming from its head, stopping two days to avoid rain.  They report that river very high - also a whale on shore near it which the Indians are cutting up.
[[left margin]] Balaena [[\left margin]]

" [[ditto for January]] 28
Still very warm with a NE wind
Walked up to the cape & prospected some but found very little Gold.   
Saw Reg. calased. apparently preparing for its summer duties - singing a low but sweet trill as it fluttered about its mate.