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[[underline]] Elephants tooth [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Apr 12th [[\left margin]]
Returned to the Cove & in the afternoon walked out botanizing.  Obtained no birds (V. Ind.)
[[left margin]] Elephas tooth [[\left margin]]  Yesterday in walking along the beach I found a fossil tooth? probably of some large Pachydorm.  One tooth much larger had been previously found at the same place & sent to San Frisco where a piece of it was pronounced to be "Sea Fern"!
They lay among the loose shingle & no other bones are near them.
Weather today clear & warm.  Wind SE in morning, N.W. at dark.

[[left margin]] 13th [[\left margin]]
Was out all day & obtained some new plants but no birds.  
[[left margin]] Carpod [[underline]]purpur[[/underline]]. [[\left margin]]  Saw several Carpodacus - ? the male with purple head the [[symbol for female]] entirely greenish.  One just before sunset sat on the top of a high Arbutus & sang in a loud, varied & interrupted song like that of a Vireo. (v P.3.)
[[left margin]] Colaptes nest [[\left margin]]  Several were answering from other trees near by.  Noticed the Colaptes preparing its nest in a dead tree only about 5 ft. from the ground.
Mt Baker is smoking today from the usual crater, more freely than I have ever before seen it.
Sky overcast air mild with a fresh NW breeze.

[[left margin]] 16th [[drawing of waxing crescent moon]] [[\left margin]]

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[[start page]]

[[underline]] Pigeon & fish hawks [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] Apr 17th [[\left margin]]
Have been confined recently to the house since last date by an inflamed hand.  Today walked some miles round the south side of the Cove & obtained some new plants.  
[[left margin]] Falco [[underline]]Columb.[[/underline]] [[\left margin]] Afternoon I was surprised by a sudden & loud cry of some bird in distress and on looking saw a small hawk coming to the ground with something in its claws.  I siezed my gun & shot the murderer & on going to him found that it was a Pigeon hawk with a Colaptes which he still held in the grasp of death though it appeared unhurt & continued its noisy clamour till I released it.  Its weight almost as great as the hawks had brought him down.  
The Carpodaci are abundant now & I hear every day some new variation of their song all resembling the notes of various flycatchers.
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  The weather was pleasant until yesterday when it became overcast early & rained a little in the afternoon with a cold N.W. wind.  Today was clear & warmer.
[[left margin]] [[Pandion Hutraction?]] [[\left margin]]  Saw today a fish hawk? which appeared smaller & different in color from the common species.  Saw it catch a fish in its claws & fly towards the woods with it.