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Whitby's Island

[[left margin]] Apr 19th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]  Yesterday & today were cold & wet with a drizzling rain & N.W. wind but towards this evening it became a little milder & the sun shone awhile.
[[left margin]] Finch [[\left margin]]  Went out today & found a flock of Carpodaci feeding on the seeds of a Cardamine under dead Spirea bushes near the beach.  They uttered a faint chirping call note when they were disturbed.  Shot two males & three females.  They agree very closely in appearance with the C. from Utah described in Cassin.  They cannot be C. parpreseus[[?]] - nor prostatis[[?]]

[[left margin]] 20th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Weather [[\left margin]]  This morning early was calm but the wind soon was from the S & blew till about 3 P.M. with a soggy shower but it then changed to W. & N & cleared off for a short time after which it again clouded over & began to rain hard.
[[left margin]] Sylvicol coron? [[\left margin]]  Shot a Sylv. coron which I first noticed today : two in different places.  They struck me as different from the S. Aud & on examination I conclude they must be the former though a new locality.  Saw also a male Pigeon Hawk? smaller than the Tern, slate colored & white below with numerous streaks. 
Collected many sp. of plants.
[[left margin]] Pipilo notes [[\left margin]]  Pip. Oreg. has trilling note somewhat like that of Tyaolothum[[?]] Pecorio but without an introductory "Kluck" (tse-e-eme)

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Leaves Whitbys Island

[[left margin]] Apr 22 [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Rain [[\left margin]]  Yesterday it rained all day so that I could go nowhere.  At sunset however it brightened up & the wind changed from S to N.W.
[[left margin]] west shore [[\left margin]]  Today began clear & cool with a N wind.  I walked out to the west beach crossing to see the Heamatopus & to find some more fossils like that described p.30.  Saw the former bird flying over the water but too far off to shoot at.  About noon it began to cloud over again from the W.
[[left margin]] Grus. Canad. [[\left margin]]  Saw just before dusk two flocks of Orioles[[?]] all of the gray kind which are the only ones I have seen in this country. Noticed nothing else of interest.

[[left margin]] 24th [[drawing of half moon or D]] [[\left margin]]
Yesterday was cold & squally with wind from the W & N.W. during the day.  Snow fell thick on the Cascade Mts & today the lower range covered with trees are quite white with it.
[[left margin]] Frost [[\left margin]]  Slight frost at night.  This morning I started from the Cove in a small Sehr.[[?]] fully open[[?]].  The wind was N.W. all day but light.  The Cove is about 5 miles deep & then widens out to the north forming Oak Harbor.
[[left margin]] Inlet [[\left margin]]  The passage south is about 3 miles wide & quite straight divided near Scaget Head by Cat Island.  Its east shore is joined[[?]] by the I. of Gatzcladdy[[?]].  Saw very few ducks here mostly of the three black species of Fulignsa[[?]].