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40 [[drawing of cresent moon]]
[[underline]] Marshes & Lakes [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] May 23d [[\left margin]]
Walked out this morning to a small cattail swamp nearby.
[[left margin]] Birds [[\left margin]]  Shot two birds neither one new - being mistaken both for other species before shooting them.  Noticed marsh wrens & blackbirds in the swamp & heard a (swamp warbler).  The weather today was clouded thickly & about dark it began to rain lightly.  Last night as well as several before it was clear though cloudy in the day.
[[left margin]] Deer [[\left margin]]  Saw today two deer which seemed to be of the white tailed species.  They were feeding in a wheat field about 8 A.M. near where a number of Indians were digging [[?Karnass]] roots.

[[left margin]] 24th [[\left margin]]
Today was warm with a S. wind & heavy flying clouds - some sunshine.  Walked around several small lakes.  Saw a pair of Bodiceps Carolin & heard the male making the loud braying noise before mentioned at Whitby's I. on the 8th Apr.
[[left margin]] Niphsea Oregona young [[\left margin]]  Saw some young Niphsea just fledged also a brood of Ruffed Grouse a week old.  They could fly a short distance & one [[litt?]] on a twig 4ft. above the ground.  The pintail duck is said to breed near here about the small lakes, I see none.
[[left margin]] Birds scarce [[\left margin]]  Probably on account of the rainy weather this year I can find but few of the small insectivorous birds.  Insects also are scarce comparatively.

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     [[underline]] Nisgnally Plains 4[[/underline]]

[[left margin]]  May 26  [[left margin]] [[/underline]]  Sralia [[ underline]] orciel. [[/underline]]

  Yesterday & today were warm but over cast & the wind continues from the S.   Walked out to various places nearby & obtained a few specimens.--  The haze which is rare here is said by the Indians to [[underline]] burrow [[/underline]] I saw a hole said to be made  by it.  
[[left margin]] Lepus [[underline]] Wash [[/left margin]] The bluebird is now singing its notes differing much from our species & not being very musical.  [[left margin]] Scalia [[underlined]] orcial. [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]] They resemble faintly the Robin & sound as if two different birds were singing at once in two keys-- Saw today in a small lake a loon--very late for them.  Skinned a Summer duck & a Redwing both of which agree cloasly with Aud.

[[left margin]]  28th [[/left margin]]

Yesterday it rained heavily nearby all day  keeping me to the house where I was busy writing and reading constantly.
[[left margin]] Rain [[/left margin]] Today it rained some & was cloudy  walked out in the afternoon but got nothing of importance.  Found a ducks nest with the eggs--the common mallard. [[left margin]] Maps [[/left margin]] I have been preparing a map for the physical geography of the country and making notes upon the subject--Have written to Prof. Baird & for the Klamath region refer to Gen. D. Gaebles article in the Hist. of Indians by Schoolcrafts Part III page 90--  Strawberries are now ripening---