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[[underline]] Nisqually Plains [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] June 5th [[\left margin]]
Today was very sultry without any wind or clouds.
[[left margin]] [[?Jetirns Brillooki]] [[\left margin]]  Shot an Oriole - the first I have seen - probably the same bird heard some days ago - making a loud chattering noise -
[[left margin]]Totanus macalat [[\left margin]]  Obtained also a Totanus which seems to be of the unknown species of S.W.B. of which only one [[?siap]] got these
[[left margin]] [[?Occoth melanier]] [[\left margin]] [[?Ikis]] somewhat sage now about the lakes & river.  Nuttal says he found the blackheaded Grosbeak all the way down to the coast & that it sings finely ! possibly the C.bespert[[?]].

[[left margin]] 7th [[\left margin]]
Yesterday & today were pleasant with a light breeze and very few clouds.  Obtained several specimens of birds none new.
[[left margin]] Tyrannus Cooperi [[\left margin]]  The Tyran. Cooperi is common here & sings a peculiar loud three note song much like the T. Trailli.
[[left margin]] Nests [[\left margin]] Have found several nests such as the Robins, Chippys &c but none new.  
[[left margin]] White snipe [[\left margin]]An emigrant of 53 tells me that on Snake River among the [[underline]] Alkaline marshes [[\underline]] he saw [[underline]] white snipe[[\underline]] ! which seems to agree with Limosa Edwardsii of Nutt.II p.179.  A nest of Colap Mex. now has young in it - though Robins are not yet sitting - x  
[[left margin]] young sparrows [[\left margin]]  The white crowned sparrow is feeding its young but the Chipping S. has not hatched.

x Seen fledged on 14th

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[[underline]] Collections &c [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] June [[? 8th or 9th]] [[\left margin]]
Weather continues warm & pleasant with a refreshing breeze daily from E. or N.
[[left margin]] Emys [[\left margin]]  In the morning I prepared a large specimen of Emys caught near here.  Its general color is brownish black marked thickly with irregular pale olive or yellow spots both on the shell & [[?limbs]] - plastron mostly of this color.  In it I found a large number of Eggs of all sizes from a mustard seed to those ready for deposit and about 1 1/2 in long by 3/4 thick the ends similar rounded cylindrical.
P.M. Rode in to Steilacoom for letters but got none.
[[left margin]] Cicada [[\left margin]]  A small Cicada is now abundant & its faint song resembles that of the 17 year species.  
[[left margin]] Mallard nests [[\left margin]]  It is said that the Mallard always nests far from the water to prevent the young from reaching it too soon.  I have found one nest this year about 300 yds from water & on top of a high dry mound.  I have however found one on a river bank.

[[left margin]] 10th [[\left margin]]  Walked out & saw several [[?Musei vertic]] & Icter. Bullocki, the last playing & chasing each other around the oaks.  
[[left margin]] Fulica Amer. [[\left margin]]  Saw also a pair of Fulica Amer. with a brood of young and on the same pond a brood of young mallards.
[[left margin]] [[?young]] [[\left margin]]  The Linar. Pinus ? are now abundant on the trees of various kinds & have nearly all the habits & notes of the Cardinalis.  These are still in flocks & I see no signs of their disposition to build.