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Nisqually Plains cont-
[[left margin]] June 11th [[\left margin]]  
Day clear & warm with S. wind and only clouds in the east & flying over.
[[left margin]] [[Tanica?]] T. [[\left margin]] Shot a female [[Tanica?]] which was very fat & larger than the male the fur fair.  
[[left margin]] [[pond?]] [[\left margin]]  Its cheek pouches were full of the seeds of a common Ranunculus.  
[[left margin]] P. Carol.  young [[\left margin]]  Also several birds and found a nest of Podiceps Carol? the same pair before mentioned with 4 eggs & 1 young.  Preserved specimens & wrote a full description.
[[left margin]] Coccyzus [[\left margin]]  Saw yesterday a Cuckoo? which Nuttall says inhabits Oregon.
Noticed a wood duck with young and found a nest of Sylvic. [[aeltiva]], the eggs agreeing closely with the Auds. [[deser.?]]

[[left margin]] 13th [[\left margin]]
Yesterday rode in to Steilacoom.  The day was clear & warm but about 5 P.M. it clouded over and at dusk began to rain continuing heavily all night.  The wind was south all day.
Rode back this morning & P.M. went out to collect plants.  [[underline]] Eggs [[\underline]]  
[[left margin]] Nests observed [[\left margin]]  I have seen about here many nests of birds common at home but few peculiar to this coast.  The female Oriole preserved 11th was evident by building but I could not find its nest.  Young of many species mostly resident birds are now fledged and flying about.

[[left margin]] 14th  [[drawing of crescent moon]] [[\left margin]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[left margin]] June 15th [[\left margin]]
Yesterday & today were cold and cloudy with strong S. wind - sky black.  Went out some miles but obtained nothing new except an egg & some plants.
[[left margin]] Colapt - Mexie young [[\left margin]]  The young of Colap. Mex ~ now nearly fledged show in the males the red on the cheek & back of head already.  They are quite familiar & begin to call as usual.
[[left margin]] Panther [[\left margin]]  A panther was shot yesterday near here but could not be found in the bushes.  It had sprung at an ox passing by about 12 o'clock N. but when wounded did not attack though it bit itself & ruffled its back.

[[left margin]] 18th [[\left margin]]
Last Saturday was so cloudy and cold that I did not go out.  Yesterday it cleared off warm & was so today with some flying clouds.  Wind today N.  Went out but saw no new birds.  
[[left margin]] Icterus song [[\left margin]]  One probably the Oriole is now singing, but rather rare - its song resembles that of the Bobolink but is much louder clearer & more varied.  A young Goshawk* was shot near here lately & preserved.
[[left margin]] Alaud Alpest song [[\left margin]]  Every fine evening the Horned Larks are heard singing on the ground in large numbers - the notes few trilling & low - continuing to sing until it is dark.  Young Redwings small woodpeckers & sparrows are now about in abundance.

* et atricapillus ?