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[[underline]] Nisqually Plains [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] June 25th [[\left margin]]  
Walked out this morning & obtained several specimens of birds & nests with eggs.  
[[left margin]] Nest T. Tolmie [[\left margin]]  The nest of Trichas Tolmier is built on a low [[?sallah]] bush about a foot from the ground carelessly formed of grass & coarse stalks - [[?bined]] slightly with a few hairs.  The eggs are said to have been white.
[[left margin]] young [[\left margin]]  I saw the young about half fledged which did not yet show their plumage but had very long legs.  One adult I shot had in its bill two large flies & a spider to feed them.  The Eggs of Spiza are white slightly bluish & very thin shelled.  Those I found were half hatched.  
[[left margin]] p.48 [[\left margin]] The nests of Tar. ustul. differ very much in structure & situation but are commonly covered with moss which often grows over.

[[left margin]] 28th [[\left margin]]   
The last two days have been very cloudy with some rain & a S wind.  Have been mostly at the Station.  Noticed near here about 30 Ravens nearly all young which have collected to devour dead sheep.
[[left margin]] [[?Cormn Cacalot]] [[\left margin]] They have been rarely seen this spring & just barely [[?retire]] into the Mts. to breed - tho' I saw one nest at Whitbys Island.
[[left margin]] Bombycilla Am. [[\left margin]]  Very few Cedar birds are about here & all I see are in pairs.  Today packed my specimens & moved them to Station.

[[left margin]] 29th [[drawing of full moon or O]] [[\left margin]] 

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[[start page]]

[[underline]] Olympia &c [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] June 30th [[\left margin]] 
Last evening at 8 left Steilacoom in a canoe with a white man and two Indians.  The sky was clear, calm & cool.
[[left margin]] time [[\left margin]]  We were 8 1/4 hours on the way having a strong tide against us most of the way.  The moon rose full & bright at 9 & made the trip quite pleasant, though I did not sleep at all.  
[[left margin]] night 6 hrs. [[\left margin]]   Daylight appeared about 3 A.M. so that the night was only about 6 hours long.  Saw scarcely any waterbirds - a few Uriae only.  Today was cool & clouded.  Wind W & N.  Rec'd Bairds letters of Apr 10th & May 19th.  He desires a small Shrew which I have not seen, a Urotrichin.

[[left margin]] July 3d [[\left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Packing [[\left margin]]  Have been since last date packing specimens & medicines preparing to send them off and to go myself. The weather has been very hot & clear - wind mostly N & W.
[[left margin]] Prairie [[\left margin]]  This morning left town in a wagon & travelled to Goodell's.  The Prairies near [[?Ok]] are more sandy & better than farther off - 
[[left margin]] Plants [[\left margin]]  & the plants much the same as on the Nisqually Plains but grow larger.
[[left margin]] Mounds [[\left margin]]  The mounds are most abundant about 10 miles out & thence continue to the Skookum Ck. \
[[left margin]] [[?cansa?]] [[\left margin]]  Are they not the effect of eddies or "Tide ripples" of a period before the elevation of the land? or rather the departure of the water - for these plains are perfectly land & look as if formerly bordering a large river.