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[[underline]] Lower Chehalis River [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] 7th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Distance [[\left margin]]  Started about 3.40 A.M. & descended the river to within 10 miles of its mouth reaching the camp at about 5 P.M.  The weather was clear & cool with some flying clouds.  Stopped for about two hours on the way.  
[[left margin]] Castor Americ Felis sufus [[\left margin]]  About sunrise an Indian shot a Beaver in the water close to the shore.  It was a very large one and I skinned it carefully.  At noon he also shot a wild cat upon a floating log near the shore.  
[[left margin]] Mergns young [[\left margin]]Saw several broods of young Mergansers now nearly fledged but their wings very small & unable to fly - only beating the water to assist their progress which is however quite fast.  The country on this river has been before described and it much resembles that on the Willopa.

[[left margin]] 8th [[\left margin]]
[[left margin]] Bay [[\left margin]]  Camped at an indian lodge and this morning at 6.40 started for the mouth of the bay which we reached at 10 A.M. supposed distance 12 miles.  Morning foggy & calm but soon became clear with a fresh north breeze.  
[[left margin]] (15 m.) [[\left margin]]Started from the point and walked down the beach to Barrow's Point arriving at 7 1/2 P.M.  Noticed on the way a flock of Pelicans & two dead Albatrosses* on the beach.
[[left margin]] Carduelis [[/trist]] [[\left margin]]  Also saw Carduelis on the thistles.  Strawberries are now very abundant on this beach.

* D. [[?nigripes]] (& D. [[?chlososhgachons]] ? adult) young of D. beachyar a Gm.

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[[underline]] Shoalwater Bay [[\underline]]
[[left margin]] July 10th [[\left margin]]
Yesterday was very sultry with a fresh breeze from the west.  
[[left margin]] Collect'ns [[\left margin]]  Crossed the Bay in the morning & was engaged during the day in preparing the Beaver skin and opening my boxes of collections which had not been sent off though packed Feb'y 25th.  
[[left margin]] Towns. lists of Birds & Quad [[\left margin]]  Today made out a list of birds collected & seen by Townsend in "Oregon" mentioned by Cassin & Audobon as found here or on the N.W. coast, with the quadrupeds found here by Townsend.  The latter are 69 of which have obtained 11 & seen two more.  Dr. S. got 4 others.  The birds are 263 of which I have 111 seen 36 more & Dr S. has 28 others.
This afternoon it became cool with a heavy sea fog & southerly wind which continues.

[[left margin]] [[drawing of crescent moon]] 13th [[\left margin]]
The two last days have been cold & cloudy but without rain.  Today left R's in a boat for Oysterville where we arrived about noon.  Saw only one sea duck on the Bay.
[[left margin]] Hirunda Rustica [[\left margin]]  At the village 3 pairs of Ruff? swallows have already settled building a nest like a Pewee's on a shelf put up for them.  
[[left margin]] Pandin [[\left margin]]  A pair of Fishhawks has a nest near here and is constantly fishing in the Bay.  
[[left margin]] nests [[\left margin]] [[left margin]] Chordeiles [[\left margin]]   A resident tells me that he found a nighthawk egg on the bare sand of this point & started the bird from it.
[[left margin]] Larus Belch [[\left margin]]  Larus Belchiri is now quite plenty with L. [[?zonoshynous]] & L. occidentalis.  The first seem young but the others old.