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[[left margin]] Sept 5th [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Lake [[/left margin]] Walked out today about noon & crossed the Peninsula 1/4 mile back is a cranberry marsh about 1/4 mile wide, then a narrow ridge & a marshy lake, now about 2 ft. deep.  This I headed round at the south end & passed through a wood of small trees about 1 1/2 miles west to the strip of prairie on the beach making the land about 3 miles wide.  Then followed the sea beach 2 miles southward to the Portage & returned by it having walked 12 miles.
[[left margin]] Birds [[/left margin]]  Noticed scarcely any birds in the woods, titmice, Jays, & finches being the species & some pelicans & Gulls on the sea beach.  There are some pretty good claims in the circuit.

[[left margin]] 8th [[/left margin]] 
Weather continues clear & warm with cool nights & often a fog in the morning.  
[[left margin]] Geese [[/left margin]] Noticed yesterday several very large flocks of Geese flying high towards the Columbia, apparently just come from the north.  They begin to come at this time every year.  
[[left margin]] Mergns [[/left margin]] This evening saw some immense flocks of ducks flying down to the Bay to feed coming from the Chehalis?  No Pelicans are now in the Bay.
[[left margin]] Lepus [[/left margin]] I can find few signs of [[?Hasa]] on this side - it is doubtless too wet for them.  I see the mounds of Gophers? or Moles & today set a trap for them.

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[[underline]] Arrival of Str. Active [[\underline]]

[[left margin]] Sept 14th [[/left margin]] 
Remain on the Peninsula - weather has been clear & warm - with N.W. wind until yesterday when it blew from the S.W. & became foggy - today light clouds.
Have seen no new birds or animals - very few are now about, migration having scarcely commenced.  
[[left margin]] Sorex [[/left margin]] Yesterday being very warm & still I noticed two shrews come through the floor & hunt around for some time.  I have been unable to catch these in any kind of trap.
[[left margin]] Ohar - [[?Hel]] [[/left margin]] Today saw some Swiss Plovers? along shore.  Have lately seen several times [[?Sylvi]] a Towns?  Shot & preserved a head of Ardea Herodias - it proved very good eating.

[[left margin]] 16th [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] Active [[/left margin]] Left the P. this morning & sailed down the Bay to Bruceville for here the Str. Active had arrived last Friday.  Yesterday was stormy but today has been warm & clear with a N.W. wind.  Observed nothing notable on the way.

[[left margin]] 17th [[/left margin]] 
[[left margin]] S. Bay [[/left margin]] Went on board the Active and in it up to the entrance of South Bay where she anchored not being able to follow the channel any further.  Lieut. Trowbridge is aboard this Str. having been engaged in making tidal observations on the Coast of Vancouvers Isle & Cape Flattery.