Viewing page 22 of 109

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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4420828L14 000.016 202 20 W0.017 22Jul 16 1921.882 .583
4420829L16 00+45.017 231 23 W+45.018 25Jul 16 1921.626
4420830L18 000.018 260 26 W0.019 28Jul 16 1921.787 .669
4420831L20 00+45.019 290 31 E+45.020 27Jul 16 1921.711
4420832LPole20 28+90.020 280 00+90.021 24Jul 16 1921.752
4420833L22 000.021 250 35 E0.022 25Jul 16 1921.792
4420834L0 00+45.022 261 34 E+45.023 22Jul 16 1921.834