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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
16Nov 02 1899Tel. E. HA 0 Dec. 0 Spring balance register 11 lb to start instrument by fully down at end of Dec. Axis. Dec. = +90 Balance showed 8 lb. Exp. repeated showed 10 & 7 lbs respectively. Balance applied to end of Dec. axis. Tel. Dec. 0 HA 6 0 W. With Clock 11 lb Repeated 10 lb 11 Against clock 7 lb 8 8. Dec. 0 HA 6 0 E. With clock 9 8 8 8. Against Clock 8 8 9 9. Dec. 0 HA 6 0 W. With Clock 9 9. Again 6 6. Dec. 0 HA 6 0 E With clock 8 7 7 Against Clock 7 8 8.