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Humid forest on sharp slope, lower part next to road with cocau plants, widely sparse and shaded with several of the native tree of the forest. Large stones & rocky afterwards on the slope. Many fern Marantaceas, muchas - growing scattered among those plants, and in some flores with [[Olyra?]] sp. Rather small to medium plants [[nodes?]] the cocau but a little farther up on the forest (untuched) with

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no cocau clump layer and much more vigorous up to .80 cm (+ 60 70-75. mostly).
In a big, large old clum we saw a large inflores.  The rest of the clum with old, passed inflores.
Beatiful dark green leaves Marantacea type +/- rounded, cordate at base, large lanceolate Petiole very long with a sort of articulation with the sheath
Sheath flat, opened wide Planes type, thin edges