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[districhous?]? or [synfodid?] When very well develop look [scofioide?]. Very young or in old dried ones, look [districhous?] like the [strikethrough] [arthecios?] of 1 [sph?] like [Buenos?]. Culm [asferous?], [lija?] solid when some [image of four small circles in a square formation] seen culm sheath [easte?] persistent [folly?] as [remain?] quite [?] big branches. Culm sheath with very thick callous at base of back, long, open side like [tau?] ear [end page] [start page] smooth, with leaf blade reflexed very decidous Bracts and [prophylla?] at base of branches red! Beatiful pink redish or ocre color. [Spk?]. green, long [hirutoy?] Leaves thin, narrow and small. Delicate bamboo, climbing like "[trepadero?] and hanging like drapes from trees. [strikethrough] Very thick roots also showing as canals.