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1861 Dec 25 Wedns

I have been getting several articles to-gether that I had not with me when up at Toong-wine to send by Kop-e-o to several natives up there as I agreed.  To Kopeo versus Neu-wat-che I gave the 15 Balls I had promised him.  He persisted in having 25 saying that was the number I agreed to give him.
True it was that in the original trade I agreed to give him 25 but he afterwards wanted a Shev-ing (Knife "Seal Knife") so I gave him one on the agreement that the numbers of Ball should be reduced to 15.
It was simply a trick of his.  Soon after I got out some brass rings.  I asked him how many children he had.  He answered: 'Attonsen' (One)  I then gave him a pair for the little girl's hair.  Soon as I done that he exclaimed: 'Muk-ko, Muko'.  ('Two, two') meaning he had two children & wished therefore another pair of rings!  The trick was too palpable to take!
This Morning on his begging a tobacco pipe I gave him one.  At night he came aboard saying that he had broken it & wished me to give him another.  Knowing his artful character, I declined the invitation.
I gave him a package containing small quantity

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1861 Dec 25 Weds.

of Kud-lou-yer ("Buck" shot) & powder for Koo-cher-ar-choo ("Sampson") also sent by him an Ood-loo (woman's knife) & few strings of Su-pung-ers (beads) to "Sampson's" wife, Neu-le-arny.
I sent bread - a package containing shot (Buck shot) powder & 20 Balls to Ook-gook-al-lo.
I gave to Neu-wat-che some beads & a pair of hair rings for his wife (Ark-chung-nei-ung).  I gave to him a present of 1 lb. "Buck" shot.  I have some misgivings about the package for my good friend Ook-gook-al-lo's getting to him without being broken open, through such hands as Neu-wat-che - & some of the contents abstracted.  It will be too bad - but I cannot help it.
Capt B. ordered the Steward to-night to get "Sterry" out 6 Cakes Sea bread.  Sterry had just got through grinding his little Bag Coffee (Burnt Beans!) when he sat down on a sea-chest (sea chests are the dinning chairs) by the Cabin Table.  As the bread was handed him he hung his head & (as "Spikes" says) went "to figuring".  Sterry finall said: 'Seven months the way I calculate it before we leave for the States' -

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1861 Dec 25 Wedns.

is [[underlined]] a-b-o-u-t [[/underlined]] One Cake a month!'  He took his little bag of Sugar - his smaller bag of Coffee & Six Sea Cakes (done up in hankchief) & started ashore - where perhaps he may be "figuring" yet, for aught I know - in rather an [[underlined]] unexemplary way [[/underlined]] however for Innuits or White men.
Kood-loo shot 2 Rabbits to-day

[[note]] 6 Pages in this day's Record [[/note]]
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3 Pages in this days Record
Thursday Dec 26th, 1861

29.425  AM  -10°  N.W.  Light  (Thick clouds)
29.350  M  -10°  N.W.  " [[ditto for: Light]]  Fair
29.262  PM  -10°  Calm  Stars out but none seen around the horizon.  Fine show!

The Toong-wine Innuits started off this Morning.  Kning-u-ar-ping (son of Kok-er-jab-in & "Sampson") with his family started off this Morning.  Kning-u-ar-ping's wife is the one who gave birth to a daughter on Friday night.  With her young infant at her her back she walked off with the same alacrity as the rest of the Innuits!
Shev-ek-koo & Miner started off also this Morning with a load of "Muk-tuk" ("Black Skin")

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1861 Dec. 26th Ths.

for Oo-pung-ne-wing.
Four sledges drawn by dogs were started off this Morn.  One team of 12 dogs Sharkey has at Oo-Kood-lear.  There must have been, before he left, some 60 dogs belonging to the Innuits about here.
To-morrow morning after Innuits start off some 4 of the men forward accompanying them.  They proceede Oo-pung-ne-wing way.

Compare Chros
Rescue's  hIX-m32-s00
(Vide Dec 19th)  G.H.'s  IX-11-76.5 (33/2  Vide Jan 2d/62
R's Fast on GH's = m20-s43.5  [[checkmark]]

Ebierbing & his wife Tuk-oo-li-too, with her infant, visited me this P.M.
Not soon shall I forget [[underlined]] the [[/underlined]] "talk" I had with these two while they were with me.  How correctly she narrated the history of the Time since I found an acquaintance with them (herself & her winga)!  She is a noble woman, possessing qualities that make her fitted to occupy a high place in doing good in