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1861 Dec 31st Tues.

wh. according to Lamb's report was a fine, large one.
At 1/2 past 11 A.M., Robt. Smith returned from "Countess of Warwick's Sound" - the name of place 'Ned-lu-un' as Twer-oong told me.

The time Lamb left the vessel (Thurs) Dec. 19th
Came back to vessel (Tues.) 31st
Absent  12 days

Robt. Smith Left the Vessel  Dec. (Mon) 23d
Came back to vessel " [[ditto for: Dec.]] (Tues) 31st
Absent 7 Days
Smith sent for Parker &c 30th by "Jack"

Keeney Left with 3 companions Dec (Tues) 24th
Keeney came back Dec (Fri) 27
Absent  3 Days

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1861 Dec 31st Tues

Lamb left Dec 19th accompanied by Dick Comstock.  On the 22d (+) [[Sunday]] that is, in [[underlined]] three days [[/underlined]] Comstock came down with dogs & sledge for provisions.  He returned with load of "Black Skin" &c on Mond. (day following arrival to ship).
The Innuits sent down the venison wh. Lamb brought to-day for purchasing "Buck shot", caps & Balls.  The only Caps, Lead & shot aboard this Winter are what I possess.  Without the stock which I had & yet have left on hand, including the powder, Pemican, Borden's Meat biscuit &c. it would have been a most difficult matter to winter here.
How thankful I am, that on the Mission I started out I have become the instrument of adding comfort to & perhaps of [[underlined]] preserving the lives of many men! [[/underlined]]  Ook-sin sent a saddle for Buck shot & Koo-jes-se sent his for 

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1861 Dec 31 Tues

purchasing Balls:  Old Artarkparu for Shot.  
Smith (Robt) says that the piece of Whale tongue wh. he took over with him for Ook-sook (fuel for Ik-ku-mer - fire-light) proved to be wanting in oleaginous matter;  the consequence was being hard up for provisions, he & the Innuits eat the same.  Lamb says that on trying out what oil they could of the piece of Whale tongue he took up with him, he eat the scraps!
Smith says that "Miner" & family, arrived yesterday in time to make their Igloos before night.  Shev-ek-koo & family are at same place.  Twer-oong told me the name of the place where they intended to stop is NED-LU-UN.
Lamb intends returning to-morrow morning;  When Smith returns I do not yet know.
The Innuits remaining about here (the men portion) have gone down the Bay to-day sealing.
Tuk-oo-li-too (bringing her infant) has come aboard so now with me in the little Aft Cabin visiting.

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1861 Dec 31st Tues

Smith starts back to-morrow morning.  He plainly acknowledges that he doe snot like the living with the Innuits, while Lamb & Comstock say they do like it.  Keeney at same time this subject was being canvassed this P.M. in the Main Cabin, also, acknowledged that he did not like it - said furthermore that no man having common sense could say he really liked it!
This Minute (V P.M.) Capt. B. asks:  "If I will loan him my rifle"?  I answer:  Certainly.  Capt. B. has concluded to take a trip up the Bay & spend a few days on the plains hunting took-too.  Bailey goes up also.  They go up with Lamb.
X O'Clock Night - In two hours, farewell 1861!  Not that I wish thee gone - but as thou must go - & can never, - [[underlined]] never [[/underlined]] return again - & as thou hast been to me [[underlined]] Time-friend, [[/underlined]] measuring out thy golden days that I might share them in viewing undiscovered parts of God's Earth & diving into the past, I bid thee a reluctant adieu!
Breakfast = fried Whale (Very [[underlined]] tough [[/underlined]]), Coffee & Sea bread.
Dinner = [[underlined]] Venison [[/underlined]] = fried Venison.  Capt B & I think Whale equally good
Supper = Coffee & bread