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[[underlined]] (Private Journal) [[/underlined]]
1862 Jan 1 Wedns.

men have [[underlined]] voracious [[/underlined]] appetites.  Consuming not only their share, but [[underlined]] mine too! [[/underlined]]  I confess in this, my [[underlined]] private [[/underlined]] journal, this is rather hard after what I have done & am almost daily doing for the sustenance of the "George Henry's" Company - dealing out whatever I have for the good of my fellow voyagers.  What I had on hand when it was found that the "George Henry" was ice-fast - that she could not prosecute her return voyage to the States as all were fondly anticipating - [[underlined]] became of invaluable worth to the souls of the ship's Company. [[/underlined]]
I would do no less with the prompting of my heart than to signify to Capt. B. that whatever I had, I held the same subject to his order for the preservation of the lives of his Command.  I am willing to restrict myself in gratifying the demands of my almost constant cravings

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(Private Journal of CF Hall)
1862 Jan 1st Wedns.

for food for the good of others but I do not feel the time has come when I should give up my life because a few men are disposed to devour everything that they can lay their hands upon - overloading their [[underlined]] gormandizing [[/underlined]] stomachs!
I have grown quite poor enough - I have suffered & now [[underlined]] suffer quite enough [[/underlined]] - I have done quite enough on the principle:  'I do it all for the benefit of others.'
When I find no thought entertained by some (the [[underlined]] greedy [[/underlined]] ones) that I have done anything for them.  It perhaps is quite unnecessary for me to say:  Capt B. is the one who fully & truthfully appreciates & acknowledges the deed I have done.
The basket of bread now near the other end of the table on wh. I am writing - - - down! down!  Cravings within thou makest me think -
I retire!

[[note]] (Six Pages in this Day's Record) [[/note]]

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(18 pages in to-day's Record)

Thursday, Jan 2d 1862

29.4  AM  -10°  N.W.  Light (light clouds) [[symbol: Sun]]
29.45  M  -8°  N.W.  " [[ditto for: Light]] [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.4  PM  -7  N W  " [[ditto for: Light]]  Light Clouds.  [[underlined]] Aurora. [[/underlined]]

During a part of the night it continued to snow.  Toward morning the freshened up to almost a gale.
Robt. Smith started off this Morning intending to return to his 7 Day quarters on Countess of Warwick's Sound.  Smith accompanied Annawa who goes over for the purpose of transporting a load of "Black Skin" previous to moving his family over.
Mate Lamb accompanied by Bailey started off X-30 AM in return to his quarters on the Took-too plains, up at the head of this Bay.
First Mate Rogers with his 'time-being-[[underlined]] partner' [[/underlined]] also started off X-30 AM with a company of natives for Oo-pung-ne-wing where he intends

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1862 Jan 2d Thurs.

to make a stop for a few months.
A few minutes later I find that Rogers has gone over to take a load, or part of one, of "Black-skin" expecting to return to-day or to-morrow for his [[underlined]] 'time-being-partner'. [[/underlined]]
Keeney yet remains aboard.  He is intending to return to Oo-kood-lear when he can get some Innuit to take him up with dogs & sledge.

Compare Chros.
Jan. 2d/62  Rescue's  hVI-m3-s6.5 13/2
G.H.'s  V-42-0.
[[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] Dec. 26/61  R's fast on G.H.'s  21-6.5 [[checkmark]] See Jan 8/62

This Morning, Ebierbing came aboard.  In reply to my question: How his noo-li-an-a was, he said, 'she was not well'.
When aboard the other day Tuk-oo-li-too gave me to understand that she did not feel right.  Anticipating the cause, I told her to take 2 of the pills wh. I