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1862 Jan 4 Sat

started for Toong-wine early this Morning.  
It was this day of the month last year (Jan. 4th) that Sterry started off for Oo-pung-ne-wing to live with the Innuits there.  When he left (Jan. 4th, 1861) I expected to follow in a few days, but on the advice of Capt B. I took another direction (Jan 10th) accompanying Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too to Budington Bay remaining away 43 Days.
At 12 (Meridian) I took a walk over to see my sick friend.  Found that the medicine wh. Capt. B. compounded yesterday & ordered to be given, has had its desired effect.  Tuk-oo-li-too though quite sick is now better.  As I was leaving, T. spoke to me requesting that I would for her, ask Capt. B. to call over, 

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1862 Jan 4 Sat

as she desired to see him.  Of course, I cheerfully performed the errand.  Soon as done so, Capt B. immediately went over, though dinner was about ready - the snow deep & still snowing.
From Capt. B's movements when he arrived back, I think he made up a small package of tea & Bread for sick Tukoolitoo & sent it to her by her winga, Ebierbing.  A deed that shows the nobleness of the heart of him who done it.  Not a word was intimated to me why she wished to see Capt. B., but I suppose her appreciation of her condition - of her present distaste for anything in way of animal food - her maternal feeling of [[underlined]] duty [[/underlined]] for her hungry infant, crying for such nourishment that she cannot now afford (for she has it not) prompted her to make known her desires to Capt Budington.  For Capt B. to know the necessities of such a noble being as Tuk-oo-li-too, who is a young mother, [[underlined]] is but to do [[/underlined]]  - is but to supply those necessities, if he has the wherewith to do it.

Breakfast = seal, venison, walrus, pork & Whale - Coffee & Bread
Dinner = Sea pie of some of the meated bones of the above
Supper = Coffee, Bread & "Black Skin".

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+ [[Sunday]] January 5th 1862

28.75  A.M.  +14°  N.E.  Gale with snow
28.975  M.  +13  N.E.  Strong thick clouds
29.00  P.M.  +11  N.E.  Fresh " " [[dittos for: thick clouds]]

During the night a Gale with snow.  By IX AM moderated to strong wind.  It has remained a dark, dreary day.
To-morrow An-na-wa & his family depart for Oo-pung-ne-wing.  Young Smith who has been an invalid since our return from Toong-wine on account of freezing his great toe during the trip there accompanied An-na-wa.  
Ebierbing aboard to-day - says Tuk-oo-li-too is recovering.
Our births (sleeping places) are very disagreeable on account of the drip dripping from above.

Breakfast = Bread, Coffee & "Salt Junk"
Dinner = Sea-pie of "Salt Junk" & Pork
Supper = Bread & Coffee

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Monday Jan 6th 1862

28.90  AM  +9°  N.W.  Light - snowing moderately
28.90  M  +10°  N.E.  " " [[dittos for: Light - snowing]] fast
28.90  PM  +11°  N E  " " "  [[dittos for:  Light - snowing fast]]

An-na-wa started for Oo-pung-ne-wing this morning with family & effects, but returned soon after, on account of the obstacles deep snow & snowing.
This has been a dull day - but 2 or 3 Innuits have visited us.  Snowing smartly nearly all day - wind however very light.  We have now great depth of snow & soft.  The travelling very difficult.  Not often as now.
The probability is that Sterry & the party with wh. he started off on Saturday will find great difficulty in getting to Toong-wine - even within a week.
Yesterday were were quite successful in getting a piece of Whale meat from the natives.  By this we had a capital fresh meat.  Breakfast.  The same tender & good as venision! - a fact.

Breakfast = Fried Whale, Bread & Coffee
Dinner = Flitters (of Flour) & Molasses!
Supper = Bread & Coffee