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1862 Jan 8 Wedns

Compare Chros.
Rescue's  hV-m00-s25.5  2/51
G.H.'s  IV-39-00
Vide Jan 2d  R's Fast on G.H.  m21-s25.5  [[checkmark]]  See 11th Jan

Comparison R's Chro & [[?My]]
- | Chro | Watch | Diff.
1861 | 14 h m | h m | h m s
Nov 23 | 2-00| 9-18 | 4-42-00
" [[ditto for: Nov]] 27 | VII-00 | 2-21 | 4-39
Dec 2d | IX-12 | IV-35 | 4-37
" [[ditto for: Dec]] 6th | I-11 | VII-32.5 | 4-38.5
" [[ditto for: Dec]] 9th | XI-47 | VII-8 | 4-39
" [[ditto for: Dec]] 11 | XII-34 | VII-54.5 | 4-39.5
" [[ditto for: Dec]] 14 | X-13 | V-35.5 | 4-37.5
1862 | - | - | -
Jan 2d | VI-26-40 | 1-45-00 |4-41-40
" [[ditto for: Jan]] 8 | V-10-50 | 0-25-00 | 4-45-50
" [[ditto for: Jan]] 11th | XI-26-40 | VI-40 | 4-46-40

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1862 Jan 8 Wedns.

This P.M. went over to the Island & called on my Innuit friends Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.  Was happy to find that the latter was quite recovered from her recent illness.
These "children of the North" (D.V.) are going to accompany me to the States.  I take them with the object of having them as interpreters on my still purposed "Voyage to King William Land" & "Boothia Felix".  I hope to return to America in the Summer of this year.  As soon as I reach there, shall hope to be enabled to commence immediate preparations for said Voyage & have everything requisite ready for sailing in the Spring of 1863.
My purposes are the same as when I started out from New London, Ct. @ 9th May 1861 - [[underlined]] to visit [[/underlined]] "King Williams Land", Bothia Felix &c. to determine whether there are survivors of the Expedition of Sir John Franklin that may yet be rescued - furthermore to determine whether there are records of that Expedition deposited on "King Williams Land or Montreal Island that may yet be secured to the civilized World also to learn the history of the termination of that Expidition from the Innuits of Boothia Felix, King Williams Land &c.

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1862 Jan 8 Wedns

I am almost [[underlined]] positive [[/underlined]] that if I can be so blessed by the Power that overrules all things as to make a successful passage to the field of my desired operations that by the aid & protection of the same Almighty Hand, I can, after a time, accomplish such a Work as shall make the heart of the civilized World thrill with astonishment that the same Work had not been done before.
Among the Innuits who spend their lives on & in the vicinity of "King Williams Land", Montreal Island, Boothia Felix exists the history of Sir John Franklin's Expedition from about the time the vessels "Erebus" & "Terror" became beset in the ice near "King Williams Land" to its final dispersion - & the history of all events connected therewith & transpiring within the neighborhood down to the present.
I repeat:-  the history of Sir John Franklin's Expedition exists among the Innuits now living on & in the vicinity of King Williams Land, Montreal 

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1862 Jan 8 Wedns

Island & Boothia Felix peninsula, from the time the Erebus & Terror 1st wintered near King Williams Land - to wit: Lat. 70°-5 N. Long. 98°-23' W. to the final abandonment of said vessels - furthermore among said Innuits exists the history of the vessels & of the surviving officers & men (105 at the time of landing on King Williams Land) & of all events transpiring subsequently relating to this matter!  This all important