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(16 Pages in this day's Record)

+ [[Sunday]] Jan 12th 1862

29.1  AM  -34°  N.W.  Fresh  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.1  M  -33°  N W  Very Ligh  Fair
29.075  PM  -40°  Calm  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]

Some part of the night the wind blew strong, but toward morning moderated.
An Innuit boy, who is called by the men of the "G. Henry" 'Bony Squash', arrived two O'Clk this P.M. from the Innuit village up the Bay (on the plains) where he had proceeded yesterday from this place.  He brought a Note to Capt. B. wh. I here transcribe.
[[quotation]] "Captain,
Sir, 'Strorty' (Ook-sin) got one small deer to-day (Saturday) & send this to you for yourself & hope that soon we may have the luck to send you more soon.  They see

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1862 Jan 12 + [[Sunday]]

quite a number of deer every day but half the time their guns will not go.  I hope that you are well for I know that your mind is troubled, for I have heard that all of the men came back to the ship.  I saw three deer yesterday on the ice.
We are quite hard up here now, for all the "Black-Skin" is gone & I have only about 10 lbs of Whale meat left;  but I shall not come to the ship, for I might as well die here as there for all I know.
R. Lamb [[/quotation]]

This brief Note gives the present experiences of some of the G.H.'s Company in truthful light.  I am watching with anxious eye the men of 'Much & Muscle' about me.  I believe Lamb one that would fill ably the capacity of 1st Officer in the Expedition I propose to make 

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1862 Jan 12 + [[Sunday]]

to King Williams Land.  If I can succeed in my purposes, I wish to secure Capt. B. as Master, Lamb as 1st Officer.  The 1st Mate of this vessel, (Frank Rogers) I know would make an excellent auxilliary to my force.
Young Smith (Henry Smith) I wish for one of the crew.  He is one that will in a brief time acquire the language of King Williams Land & Boothia Innuits.  A party belonging to GH called "Bill", a "boat-header", is another that I think well qualified for my Expedition but it is doubtful about getting him as he does not like the country tho' while in 

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1862 Jan 12 + [[Sunday]]

it he makes a capital hand.
At 5 O'Clock P.M. Koo-jes-se, "Jim Crow" & "Hiram" (Innuits) came into the Main Cabin having just arrived from a rein-deer hunt down the Bay.  They are of the Company located above here on the plains.  They have been following Took-too tracks all day but were not successful in sighting any of the objects of the chase.  Their native dresses [[?cap]] e-pie were completely saturated with their free perspiration.  They were treated to a portion of our evening meal wh. we were partaking as they came in - to wit Coffee & boiled Black-skin.  To-morrow morning these Innuits start off down the Bay to prosecute the hunt.  I have concluded to let Koo-jes-se take my rifle furnishing him with Balls, Caps & powder, because he interested himself greatly in behalf of the George Henry's Company in supplying them with fresh provision.  All the Innuits at the plains complain that they lose many good chances of killing deer because their guns miss fire.  Though my rifle is a choice thing to me, in my estimation, yet for the good of the G.H.'s Company under the present circumstances I volunteer to contribute the use of it.
To-night at VI-00 Ther. 72° below freezing point of fresh water!  