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[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 454 B [[/underlined]] Wine red noctuid on blackberry, eating flowers. Purplish wine red, hd with a brownish tint [[insertion]] shiny [[/insertion]] Lines. tubercles white d. distinct. S-d narrow, broken stig. again distinct. White dots of tubercles small with a few fainter supplementary ones. The feet blackish, abd, whitish. 12 scarcely enlarged, but 13 small. [[insertion]] (Sh hd 1.6) [[/insertion]] Hd 2 ± [[underlined]] July 4 hd 2.5 ± [[/underlined]] Same hd with black shade before. The feet black [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 454 Molt [[overwritten]] VI [[/overwritten]] Aug 8 [[/underlined]] (Sh hd 1.9) New hd. 2.5 ± Much the same at first [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Calc. [[/underlined]] .50 .72 1.03 1.47 2.1 3.0 [[underlined]] Found [[/underlined]] .85 1.05 1.5 3.0 455 3 eggs laid separately on the very young shoot of [[underlined]] Populus balsamifera [[/underlined]], K.V. June 25 [[image: half circle]] with irregular, apex, translucent white, diameter .6 mm Venter 1/2 in single broad low ribs radiating from the minute crater like micropyle each soon divide into two and continue down the side, 28 in [[venter?]] connected by transverse lines much slighter than the ribs which produce shallow hollows elongated transversely and bordering by the narrow ends on the ribs. Smooth edges all rounded. Slightly shining [[underlined]] Hatched [[overwritten]] I [[/overwritten]] June 28 [[/underlined]] Little looping noctuids, Hd, c-Sh. the feet black. Body whitish, leg plates tubercles and anal plate blackish, setae distinct, dark. Tubercles normal from large nearly black areas (vi absent) Feet all present about