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[[underlined]] Hatched July 3 [[/underlined]] Very long slender and looping with great rapidity. When disturbed suddenly curl up in an irregular S-shape [[image - caterpillar making an S-shape]] and keep still True geometrid, abd feet on 10 and 13 only segments annulate but not very regular Setae short stiff glandular dark from black tubercle. Head blackish, body sordid yellowish white, rather translucent. (Refused all food* and died) *leaves
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image caption]] Ant. [[/image caption]]
[[underlined]] 456A [[/underlined]] Exactly similar eggs in abundance laid on sheeps wool stuck on the rough bark at base of a wild cherry tree in a pasture. Jefferson Highlands, N.H., June 30 1895 Also on spider webs under edge of rocks and in horse hair on maple
[[underlined]] Hatched July 6 [[/underlined]] Refused wool lichens, moss, grass, flowers and living insects (on daisies). [[Apparently?]] all died (July 20 not found in dish)
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[[blue strikethrough]] July 13 Hd 2 mm - All whitish with green tinge Has long white pencils black on 5, 7, 12 a few blunt hairs from i & ii whole length about [[forming?]] pencil on 8
Acronycta like [[underlined]] americana [[/underlined]] on poplar (grandidentata) K. V. June 26 1894 Whitish Hd the feet & c-sh shiny black. Body covered with long light yellow hair with 5 [[dorsal?]] long black pencils from 5, 7, 8, 9 & 12 Palpi & labrum white; a few short hairs. Body sordid white, brownish d. on 3-4. Warts small, concolorous, but can be distinguished, hair thickly from warts and skin alike, very long, single pale yellow, not obscuring body. Black pencils from i, composed of 2 [[pieces?]] slightly crossing. venter shaded brownish. Leg plates partly black. Spiracles narrowly black rimmed. On 3 & 4 (1) wart, (2) wart, (3) with trace of a little one post to it stig 1, (4) wart s-v [[underlined]] Another on P. balsamifera [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Went [[dorm?]] June 29 1894 [[/underlined]] Coon of silk and wood. Hd from coon 4.0 mm
[[underlined]] Imago [[/underlined]] July 30, 1894 Cat. no. 11031 [[/blue strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
A blue line is drawn across the text on the second page, as if to cross it out.