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460=257 [[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image caption]] [[underlined]] Ant [[/underlined]] [[/image caption]] [[underlined]] Halisidota maculata [[/underlined]] on Prunus at Keene Valley N.Y. June 27, 1894. Stage I. Hd, c-sh, anal pl., tho feet and setae black, tubercle areas blackish. Body white. Setae normal, except that iii bears two setae and its area is confluent with iv (vi absent). Width head .5 mm (Sh hd .4) [[underlined]] Stage II [[/underlined]] Warts all white many hairs, normal iii + iv, many haired, vi present s-v, large; many hairs on leg plate Hd shiny black; w. .7± mm. [[insertion]] (Sh hd .55) [[/insertion]] 2 retracted c-sh small. Body pale yellow, warts black, hair scant, not concealing body though some long white ones overhang hd. black & white mixed the black mostly from 5 & 12, i & ii [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] Molt June 29 [[/underlined]] Hd black [[insertion]] (Sh hd .8) [[/insertion]] body yellow hair quite thick but scarcely concealing body, white, but on i and iii on 5, iii on 11 and i on 12 very black. Long white hairs at both ends. Looks strongly like mat. Warts yellow like body except iii blackish [[underlined]] Molt July 4 [[/underlined]] Exactly the same. Hd 1.2± Hairs same but longer and more abundant (See 257 for last three stages) [[underlined]] Molt July 13 [[/underlined]] Hd 2± Same but with the black dorsal tufts all present (see BB257) [[underlined]] Molt July 21 [[/underlined]] Both ends solid black & d. tufts 4 in number. [[underlined]] Molt July 28 [[/underlined]] (Sh hd 2.4) New hd 2.8± [[underlined]] Molt Aug 8 [[/underlined]]
Transcription Notes:
Perhaps the frequent use of "Sh" (e.g. "Sh hd 2.4") is an abbreviation for "shed", and Dyar was measuring the size of the shed head capsules following each molt?