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[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view, with a portion indicated with an asterisk "*"]] [[underlined]] Ant [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Limenitis disippus [[/underlined]] on Populus tremuloides, K.V. N.Y. June 28, 1894; on perch
[[underlined]] Stage I [[/underlined]] Setae [[minute?]] [[image - magnified seta]] with clean tips; no secondary ones. i ant, below ii post; 3 super stig. post; iv and v S-V, nearly in line, iv a [[trifle?]] highest, (vi absent) a single spine on base of leg [*Not positively made out. Cant distinguish the segments i and ii alternate but which is lower not determined]
[[underlined]] Stage II [[/underlined]] Roughly tubercular, ii, iii and iv + v apparently represented by [[multi?]]-tubercular warts; what seems to represent i is smaller, ant and above ii, many secondary tubercles, [[with?]] especially in a transverse row near post. edge of segment. Slight S-d [[?]] on 3 and 4 apparently represent second [[pair?]] of S-d [[?]], & slight [[ones?]] on 12 represent ii.
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[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[underlined]] Ant. [[/underlined]]
Newly hatched geometrid on [[underlined]] Viburnum lentago [[/underlined]]. Keene Valley, N.Y., June 28, 1894. Setae normal, (vi absent) vii [[consist?]] of 2 setae, 1 below v the other rather widely separated and ant to viii which is near medio-ventral line On 12 (fig) vi is plainly seen to be absent as vii there occurs normally on the leg [[Larva?]] colorless; legs as in mature [[underlined]] Eggs [[/underlined]] Elliptical, flattened or a little concave on two sides, neatly hexagonally reticulate. Size .7 x .5 x .3 mm